“Material poverty alleviation involves the much harder task of empowering people to earn sufficient material things through their own labor, for in so doing we move people closer to being what God created them to be.”

-Steve Corbett-

We love building good relationships through our work and consulting is, not only a good way to do that, but the work itself can take many forms from creative support to business planning and international networking. 

So often in ‘the West’ it can be easy to forget how connections, networks and access to helpful resources, play a huge part in growth and development for ourselves. How much more do people living in ‘3rd world’ realities need those kind of connections and resources?


Whether it is trustworthy advice or business planning and development, we want to partner with people and local communities in Kenya and East Africa focusing on long-term sustainability.

We encourage you to take the time to further your knowledge and understanding of the challenges faced in poverty and in doing so it can help you to catch the vision of what we are hoping to do here in Kenya.

 Be a part of what we are doing in Kenya….