Food Relief
“It is not the strength of your faith but the object of your faith that actually saves you.”
Tim Keller – The Reason for God (pg. 245)

This food relief journey over the last several months has been amazing and challenging all in one. We praise God for all he has provided to care for so many families during the lock down, up to the day of when Kenya began to re-open back in the first week of July.
The most wonderful part of this food relief is that our three partners have been able to minister the love of Christ to many, many people who are seeing God’s love in action physically and spiritually. Below is a video of Pastor Alex and his friends praying over Aaron, a blind Maasai. In this massive world, God shows his love to a single individual in the middle of Kenya.
Our hope is to continue our food relief through the beginning of August. Even though Kenya began to lift the lock down this month, so many people are still struggling badly to find work again. Recovery does not happen overnight, especially in a developing country. The challenging part of our food relief this month is that it has taken 3 weeks to reach 50% of our weekly goal of $2000. We would love to finish on a high note.
The reason we share this real struggle is simply a testimony that walking in relationship with God and serving others is not easy or clear cut. There are so many ups and downs, questions and doubts that accompany the joy and enthusiasm on this journey of faith.
That is why we stay focused on the object of our faith, which is Jesus. Not only did he die for the sins of the world and rise again to offer salvation to all who believe, but he loves each and every person in the world more than we ever could….including ourselves. In that, we find our hope, rest and the strength to continue on.
So whats next?

We are now turning our focus back toward sustainability as we are in the early stages of developing a community center with Amati in Kakamega. This center will be multi-purpose:
- Reading and writing skills
- Bible teaching
- Vocational training and certification in the areas of: Carpentry, Plumbing, Mechanical, Sewing and Masonry
- Playground for kids
- Fun community relationship/mentoring opportunities and other events such as movie nights
Currently, we are in the brainstorming development phase with the goal of designing the property and creating a projected multi-year budget that would then be broken down into annual benchmark goals to be attained, with the ultimate goal of the center becoming self-sustained.
How exciting to start this project and see what God does in so many lives, not only in the community, but all who come from the surrounding areas.
How are we doing?
We love the SOULD ministry and teaching at Woodland Star we are doing. We have lived in Kenya over a combined 24 years and we are humbled that God has given us this privilege to serve in this country.
We are so thankful for all of you who continue to faithfully support us and generously give, allowing God to use you and simultaneously grow your faith in him by surrendering your finances to him. We would not be here without your amazing support.
It is increasingly becoming financially difficult for us (especially now) and we really need our support base to grow again. Kenya is our home and where we pray God will allow us to stay indefinitely.
We ask you to partner with us in any of these amounts:
1 partner at $250/month
5 partners at $100/month
5 partners at $50/month
20 partners at $25/month
Donate here:
Please pray and consider being a financial partner with our ministry and walk with us on this incredible journey to positively impact the people of Kenya combining the gospel of Christ with sustainable development. It is a patient process with a long term focus.
We have worked diligently to develop the relationships with AMATI, MARANATHA and DORCAS Ministries and God has been doing some special things so far through the food relief. We know he has greater things in store for these ministries and we deeply desire to be a part of it.
We love our little family. At home, from building office furniture, a chicken coop, cooking pie, to hiking and camping after the lock-down ended we have kept busy and stayed positive.
Love and Blessings from Kenya,
Brenton, Jen, Sam and Emma.